Timothy Sheehan.jpeg

Timothy Sheehan has lived in ¼ø»Æʦapp for 27 years and is currently homeless at the age of 53.

I've lived in ¼ø»Æʦapp for 27 years, and for eight of those years I have been homeless. With limited resources, I found a home that I thought was safe and secure, only for it to be taken away from me abruptly and unjustly by my landlord, and I am not the only one.

In June 2023, ¼ø»Æʦapp residents secured a hard-fought win from the city — $350,000 allocated in the 2023–24 budget to establish a program to protect tenants from unjust evictions. One year later, the program has yet to launch. In that time, more than 2,500 evictions have happened throughout Kern County, and with every day that passes, more residents are at risk of losing their homes.